My Boys and Me

My Boys and Me
Mother's Day 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

emotions, emotions, and sisters growing up!! today has just been one of those days for me! I realized that at some point in time that reality would sink in that my sisters aren't "little" anymore and that they would soon "fly the coop".  Today my baby sister moved into her college dorm.  Now please realize that she is just 40 minutes away, but the empty room at my parents house will never be quite the same. I cannot express how proud I am of her for everything that she has accomplished in just her elementary, junior high, and high school years. She might be as hard headed as they come....but I know we're more alike than we both care to admit!  Gosh, I need my kleenex!!

Heather is graduating nursing school on Saturday. It seems like just yesterday that she was pushing me in the Barbie jeep! HAHAHAHA! I am also extremely proud of what she has been able to accomplish by completing the Four Rivers Practical Nursing Program through TTC in Humboldt. She is probably the most hot headed sister I have...but she sort of gets it honest! ;)  She is going to be one of the best nurses on the planet. I can't believe you're old enough to be doing this!!

So why am I rambling about my sisters growing up?  Because sometime's it's nice to reflect back on the memories of each other while I type this....memories that are special to me and my sisters that only we share. There's a bond that can't be broken with matter how much we fuss and fight. I love them. They're the best!

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